29 January 2013

Cut It Out!

Cut it out commuters, Cut it out shoes! Image not my own.
Standing back from the chaos that erupts and spews all over the station platform during rush hour, i notice feet. A sea of boring footwear to match the bland weather that has been cast over England; tired looking footwear that matches the many faces of the weathered and lack lustre guise of the early morning commuter, no offence! Yes, you have the women who can't hop on and off tubes with their 4 inches and the ones that dress for comfort (honey, there is no such thing as comfort in fashion.) but does the thrill of the perfect heel have to be replaced by those tatty trainers? Do you need those brown 'mum' boots, crooked Uggs which are falling apart from the seams or even those ballet pumps which you insist could still make another few commutes before you go your separate ways?
I am deadened by the unadventurous shoes which people carelessly shove on their feet, a dull palette of black, brown, navy, black, black, black, brown, beige. When designers, retailers and high street are putting many delicious offerings out into the world for us, why should you not take a bite? It feels so good! From colour blocking Vans, patterned and personalised Converse, sparkly Superga, sport chic Nike New Balances, Dr. Martins, Chelsea boots,Underground Creepers, distinguishing Brogues, Loafers, Biker boots, Riding boots, ballet pumps, court shoes and studded high-tops/wedged high-tops. For all those women who keep there Charlotte Olympia's tucked in their bag till they hit the office, the list is endless!
Trainers and dresses, Yes. Trainers and skirts, Yes! Image not my own.
What are the gems you slide on your feet and strut travel to? i hear you ask.. well.. Two big things to me right now are monochrome and ankle boots. My heavenly/divine/god's creation Balenciaga boots have seen/are seeing me perfectly through the Winter months but i did need a pair that could bring my footwork forward to Spring just that little bit more. Combining the staple ankle boot, the trend of monochrome and the micro trend of cut out's (whether it's shoes, clothes or accessories). These boots or shoe boots, i am a little perplexed as to how to describe them, where a great purchase, not too expensive that it will guilt trip me yet not so cheap that they won't be seeing me through till the end of season. A perfect mixture of dapper 1920's gentlemen, librarian shoe and paired with that monochromatic kick and cut out trend, It's the perfect pair to revamp the station platforms and wage war (a fashion one of course, no violence please!) on the dreary commuters and there dull footwear.

Katz shoe from Topshop, excuse the awkward photo angle (Uni makes me too tired!)

Treat yourself to a pair, HERE!

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