12 February 2013

If Cara Loves It We Should All Love It

Bitch got grills.- Image not my own.
Ever since that image of the wonderfully kooky Cara Delevinge went viral- we all know the one i am talking about, with those scarlet red lips, raised bushy brows and clutching her vest to emphasis the slogan emblazoned across it "AIN'T NO WIFEY". Dimepiece was thrust into the lime light. People who before this massively successful and popular image had no clue as to what Dimepiece was. Now though this is a completely different story, Dimepiece has evolved into something unusually quiet for something that was so heavily praised. It is still a major brand within fashion however it seems to be less commercially talked about and advertised. This surely is a good thing allowing the brand to remain faithful to its original identity but gaining money and clientele. The brand has found a gap in the market which it easily filled and their clothing has never been more relevant when you observe the trends we have in culture, music and fashion at this moment in time. 
If the Dimepiece aesthetic is too much for you to brave in one hit or too much of a statement in which you don't feel confident in making just yet, that's okay because Dimepiece has a fantastic range of accessories to ease you in to a new style of slogan fashion

The T-shirts that Dimepiece create, treat slogans as an art form, a highly skilled mind needs to be behind the slogans in order to make a few words so strong and bold that it has a lasting effect. An effect upon the audience in order to make something as simple as a vest go viral!

An absolute must have on my wish list has got to be the "AIN'T NO WIFEY" long sleeved T-shirt a superb way to add a little quirky quality to your outfit with out having to stray from your comfort zone.

I always talk about standing out and not to follow the crowd but on this occasion, i'm sorry, if Cara loves it i love it!

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